Friday, 13 February 2009

front cover drafts

This is my second draft were i have added text, information and a mast head. I really like the outcome as it incorporates an alternative look which is the intended genre of my music magazine.

This is my front cover draft of my new music magazine, raw fusion. I like the contrasting black, white and orange photo as it really catches your eye and enforces the magazines ideology of being modern and raw, hence raw fusion. I edited the image in photo shop using various different techniques to acquire this unique outcome. The composition of the items featured on the front cover work very well together however on my final front cover i will add more texts with different composition layout. The thing i like most about this draft is the individual fonts i have used which again come together to give the whole outcome a feeling of individuality and raw fusion!

Friday, 6 February 2009

Final edited photos

My photos

This image is my favourite which i will be using for my front cover after i have edited it using photo shop. I like the composition of the guitar as it is unique and conventional to my modern magazine and its alternative music style.
I will use this image in my double page spread as it will fit perfectly into the corner of the page. Also there is a nice colour contrast between the dark clothes and the orange sunburst of the guitar.

I feel that i will not neccisaerily use this image in my final outcomes as it seems a little bit unproffesional and to staged. However i really like the central positioning of the peace using a high angle shot for variation from standard medium shots.

I am extremely happy with each of these photos and i would really like to feature every single one of them within my music magazine however i am not sure weather i can fit them all into it.